
Instilling Active Citizenship in Youth Through Gamification

With youth voting registration rates falling at a staggering rate, Prompt a government programme aims to teach and inspire the next generation of the importance of their voice and vote through a gamified approach.

Team: Personal Project | Length: 12 Weeks | Role: Lead Visual Designer | Focus: Visual Design & Game Design

The Challenge

How might we encourage active citizenship among youth in Ireland?

The Problem
Currently in Ireland voting numbers are decreasing rapidly with a startling 150,000 youth between the ages of 18-29 not even registered to vote. This increasing apathy towards participation and democratic duty is being fuelled by a lack of political education in schools, complex voting processes and decreasing awareness of the importance of ones voice.

The Solution
In order to counteract the increasing lack of participation among citizens we must instil the importance of active citizenship among youth, enabling democracy to flourish into the future. Prompt, a government funded programme consisting of a card game, app and microsite aims to do just this.

The Game & App
Launching in schools, the Prompt card game and app will become the core learning tools within government studies classes, aiming to sparking active debate, encourage participation and provide a foundational understanding of politics through gamification.

The Mircosite
Once a child has reached the age of 18 they will be directed to a government created microsite that replaces existing processes with a simplified alternative that supports new adults in registering to vote and continuing their political education journey.

The Game & Cards

The Website
